
Published on September 25th, 2014 | by Nick Payne


Payne’s Chain Reaction III

Time for the third instalment of Payne’s Chain Reaction! As you may know by now this is a quiz with a difference; each answer links to the next forming a chain which can provide clues to any questions you get stuck on. The links range from as obvious as a shared word to more obscure facts and play-on-words. Finally, in the spirit of scientific research, collaboration is encouraged!

Note: links get revealed between the answer and the previous answer.

Last question in the previous chain:

20.In the 2007 film “Hot Fuzz” where does lead character and exceptional policeman, Nicholas Angel (Simon Pegg), get told to go if he wants to be “a big cop in a small town”?

+ answer
The model village

1. Which band famously consisted of a cop, a Native American, a GI, a biker, a construction worker and a cowboy?

+ answer
The Village People
+ link

2. Which Christian organisation was founded by Sir George Williams in 1844?

+ link
YMCA is famously sung by The Village People

3. In which European city would you find the Jet d’Eau?

+ answer
+ link
The HQ of the YMCA is in Geneva (sorry, that was a hard one)

4. What event prompted the Daily Mail headline “Are we all going to die next Wednesday?”?

+ answer
The switching on of the LHC
+ link
CERN is based in Geneva

5. Which fictional character states “Well that was the silliest tea party I ever went to! I am never going back there again!”?

+ answer
Alice (in Wonderland)
+ link
A Large Ion Collider Experiment (A.L.I.C.E.) is part of the LHC

6. Which Conservative Prime Minister (1957-1963) was given the title the “Earl of Stockton”?

+ answer
Harold Macmillan
+ link
Macmillan published Alice in Wonderland (again, sorry)

7. Which tropic lies north of the equator?

+ answer
The Tropic of Cancer
+ link
Macmillan Cancer Research

8. What are pubic lice colloquially known as?

+ link
The constellation of Cancer is known as The Crab

9. Who was the first Disney character to have a Jamaican accent?

+ answer
Sebastian the crab
+ link

10. A statue of which Hans Christian Anderson character can be found in Copenhagen’s harbour?

+ answer
The Little Mermaid
+ link
Sebastian appeared in The Little Mermaid (the Disney version at least)

11. According to Homer’s poems, what mythical creatures is Poseidon’s chariot drawn by?

+ answer
+ link
Both mermaids and hippocampi are half fish (but then half human and horse respectively)

12. In what species of fish, with a prehensile tails, do the males bear the unborn young?

+ answer
+ link
Seahorse is the name given to the genus Hippocampus

13. Who hosts the BBC’s comedy panel show QI?

+ answer
Steven Fry
+ link
Baby seahorse are called fry

14. Which country on the Adriatic Sea was broken up, between 1989-1992, forming seven modern-day states?

+ answer
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
+ link
S. Fry and S.F.R.Y.

15. “Cravat” stems from the French word “Cravate” referring to which nationality?

+ answer
+ link
Croatia was formerly part of S.F.R.Y.

16. Cruella de Vil is the antagonist which 1961 Disney film?

+ answer
One Hundred and One Dalmatians
+ link
Dalmatians originate from Croatia

17. Since being adapted for television, which BBC comedy show has been presented by Nick Hancock, Paul Merton and, most recently, Frank Skinner?

+ answer
Room 101
+ link
Same number

18. In what year were the Summer Olympics held in Los Angeles (USA)?

+ link
The term Room 101 first appeared in Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell
+ bonus fact
The 1984 Winter Games were held in S.F.R.Y.

19. “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others” is a line from which book?

+ answer
Animal Farm
+ link
Nineteen Eighty-Four and Animal Farm were both written by George Orwell

20. Who was King of Italy between 17 March 1805 – 11 April 1814?

+ answer
Napoleon Bonaparte
+ link
Napoleon is a main character in Animal Farm (actually portraying the role of Joseph Stalin in the Russian Revolution)

21. Which country, act and song that won the 1974 Eurovision Song Contest?

+ answer
Sweden, ABBA – Waterloo
+ link
Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo

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About the Author

graduated from the University of Southampton with a BSc in Physics and has since joined the University of Aberdeen to study for a PhD in Medical Physics (only part of the reason for this was to be called Dr Payne).

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