
Published on February 6th, 2015 | by Anna Cederlund


What’s happening in science?

What is a poor editor to do when her nose is completely blocked, the buckets of lemon tea are no longer cutting it and it is her turn to be in charge of the blog?! Well, she pulls out the ancient trick, ‘what she has read on the interwebs the past few days’. Why rewrite something that someone else has already beautifully and lovingly penned down?

So here goes, editor’s top 5 internet science discoveries:

1. How to unboil an egg. It involves urine and a fancy machine.

2. Some of Harvard’s first computers were actually women. Turns out one of the astronomers at Harvard employed women to “sift through and catalogue celestial information” in the late 1800s.

3. What plastic really is. And how much there is of it. Turns out there’s a lot.

4. That my fear of wasps is legit. They do know where you live…

5. How I may struggle more to make a career in academia compared to a male peer. Still…

And with these tidbits I leave you to go brew another cup of tea. Ginger this time; on to the heavier stuff!

Featured image by Steve Johnson (CC BY 2.0) on Flickr.

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About the Author

Anna is a PhD student in the School of Medical Sciences. She currently is busy squishing cartilage. When not looking at videos of tiny pieces of cartilage and programming MATLAB she enjoys sunny weather, tea and editing.

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