Browsing the "Chemistry" Category

The SCIENCE Behind Snowflakes

January 12th, 2022 | by Eldrian Tho

Winter’s great natural marvels – snowflakes! Did you know that chemistry is involved in the formation of snowflakes? Each one…

Masterclass on ICP-AES S01E01

January 20th, 2017 | by Laura Machado

Laura Machado starts off her Masterclass on ICP-AES (Impress a Chemist at a Party without having to Attempt an Education…

The Science of Love

February 24th, 2015 | by Inez Imray

Hot on the heels of Valentine’s Day, here’s Inez Imray with an investigation into those fuzzy feelings called love. A…

Homebaked science

March 8th, 2014 | by Anna Cederlund

You stand in your kitchen over-looking the counter. On this nondescript counter you have water, flour, salt and yeast. A…

Jubilee Nano-Art

June 1st, 2012 | by Josh Doyle

Fed up of ‘Keep Calm’ posters? Bored of bunting? Here’s a rather bizarre list of ‘alternative’ sciency Jubilee memorabilia, with a bit…

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